Saturday 10 May 2014

Target Audience


Young people

  • Demographically they are 20-30 and middle class.
  • Psychographically they are social, busy, ‘foodies’ and they work.
  • Attitudinally they are adventurous, curious, determined, open-minded and hard workers.


  • Demographically they are 30-50, married and middle class.
  • Psychographically they are social, busy, interesting, looking for excitement/balance and up to date with trends/trendy.
  • Attitudinally they are open-minded, adventurous and willing to try new things.

Shared Values:

The two main target audience segmentations are young people and parents. The shared values that they share are open-mindedness, adventurousness and curiousness. They are also both busy and social people.


 Looking at this information our product caters for quite a large audience but not a huge variation in lifestyles and attitudes so it shouldn’t be too hard to find a balance.

There are multiples tensions we need to consider in the design response of our product:

  • Youthful/Mature – It would be closer to mature than youthful but not too far so that the younger people don’t feel alienated.
  • Excitement/Harmony – It needs to get across at the same time the craziness and also show that the flavours actually work so that people will notice the crazy flavours and that it tastes nice.
  • Sophisticated/Homemade – The product would have to be a lot closer to sophisticated than homemade but not completely sophisticated or else it could come across as some sort of mass produced, over-worked rubbish and wouldn’t be able to compete with Farmbake which is hugely based around the aspect of being homemade.

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