Friday 16 May 2014

Existing Biscuit Package Designs

Biscuit package designs in supermarkets seem to be very simple, displaying just the name, brand, product, weight and a short phrase on the front. The biscuit aisle is the loudest aisle in the supermarket because of the bright colours they use, and they all have to or else they won’t stand out and will be completely overlooked. The only biscuits to get away with not using bright colours are the farmbake, homebrand, budget bagged biscuit ranges and this is mainly because they are in a slightly different section, nearer to the slices, which use mainly clear packaging.

Arnott’s Mint Slice – The package uses a simple half and half design, fairly boring but gets across the feel of the biscuit quite easily. Feels slightly sophisticated and balanced.

Griffin’s Afghans – Has a very homemade feel about it with the baking tray and the soft, warm browns. The font is quite playful and evokes feelings of family baking making it seem like a family biscuit.

Griffin’s Krispie – The design definitely gets across the island feeling, relating to the coconut ingredient. The bright colours and playful font with the little palm tree are the main elements causing this.

Griffin’s Bites range – This range is interesting as the packages are small and targeted as more of a snack biscuit like a bag of lollies. The bags get placed in the lolly aisle because of it, which is easier to stand out in as the package designs are not as loud because they mostly go for a more luxurious feel. This is also an ingenius idea to get more exposure as there are no other biscuits to compete with there and they have the ability to either take some market share from lolly companies or get people to crave biscuits.

Arnott’s Shapes – The shapes boxes are some of the loudest in the aisle as they are all a bright lively colour with the in-your-face big red font. Also, being boxes the packages take up more room and are bigger than the small packets, they make a real impact. In terms of design every element is moving outward, towards you, just asking to be picked up. The contrasting colours also create a very energetic feel.

Griffin’s MallowPuffs – The ribbon element on the package creates a very soft, flowing feel and works well to lead your eye around the package. Everything is very soft and pillowy, getting across the feel of a very soft and fairly indulgent biscuit.

Griffin’s Cookie Bear, Chocolate Chippies – Straight away you notice the dark area down the bottom with the chocolate chips and the little bear character. The little character instantly gives the package a childish feel and attracts kids. The red is very overwhelming as the other elements are small, this is because it is a double tray pack and the single tray design hasn’t transferred very well.

Arnott’s Scotch Finger – This package has an extremely boring look and consists of an image of the product with a very static product name, and the brand of course. The package has very minimal colour and is mainly just white. Although, the package works very well at attracting its target audience; older people, the package is simple, easy to understand and appears cheap.

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