Wednesday 7 May 2014

New Macro-Trend

New Macro Trend:

As the project continued on, we struggled to get a grasp on a direction and kept changing our product, nothing seemed to fit properly to our targeted macro trend, we finally realized that it was the macro trend that was the problem. Balance as a macro trend wasn’t working for us and we realized that there is another macro trend that fits with our current product better; the foodie movement.

In this age people are getting more and more interested in food, watching cooking programmes, eating different cuisines, trying new and exotic foods and generally just broadening their view on food. Twenty years ago food was a lot simpler, very few cooking programmes on mainstream tv, not a big variety of different cuisines in restaurants, no real talk about food in mainstream society, just less general interest in food. These days people talk about food and actively search for new and exciting food, either for health or fun, and try to incorporate them into their everyday eating.

People are a lot more interested in food.

Our Product:

Our product targets this trend by providing crazy, interesting flavour pairings in biscuits that people can’t help but at least try. Although foodies are often concerned with the health of different foods they do have treats every now and then, and the healthiest form of a treat has got to be a biscuit. Our product also targets people new to the trend who may just be discovering their interest in food. The flavour pairings are of everyday ingredients that just don’t usually go together but also really work. This would even provide inspiration for people to experiment more and maybe incorporate these food pairings into everyday life.

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