Wednesday 16 April 2014

Big Idea (Version 1)


These days people are a lot busier than they were 30 years ago with longer work days to be able to pay for high housing costs and many other expenses that have been on the rise because of the recession. This is reflected in the huge increase in items such as smartphones, made to make life easier through speed and access to a wealth of resources all in one place. In the past in families it was normal for men to be out working while the women stay home and look after the kids. These days women are working as well as men and still coming home and looking after the kids and cooking and cleaning. This is definitely influenced by the recession.

Women, mothers more specifically, are the main targeted buyer of biscuits as most of the time they do the shopping for the family. Mothers are extremely busy so to make life that little bit easier our biscuit caters for health and indulgence. During the day the health element will act to energise and provide brain food to keep you going at work. The indulgence element will act as a treat for the end of the day, something to enjoy after a hard day at work. The same applies for kids, they get to have an indulgent biscuit that they will enjoy while still getting an element of health that the parents would be pleased with.


This idea has three main ways to approach it; the two elements could be packaged in separate sides of the bag; they could be joined together in the same biscuit as two distinct sides; or they could be completely mixed into a single biscuit.

Two separate sides of the bag could be a good idea although we worry that the indulgent side would be eaten and the healthy side discarded as they are two separate biscuits.

The half and half biscuit would be a good idea as it is pretty unlikely that someone would eat half a biscuit and throw out the rest, maybe kids would be more likely to.

The completely mixed up idea would work to fix the problem of people leaving the healthy side although we think that the biscuit would look less healthy and less indulgent, leaving just a plain old biscuit.

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